Monday, August 9, 2010

Missing Persons...

I miss people. Terribly at times. People I love, People I lived with, People I went on a trip with, People who made me laugh, and sometimes, I even miss the people who made me cry. (Although, more often than not, I miss the latter because I have figured out something to say to them that would make them cower in fear :P)

First, I miss the easy going camaraderie I had with my friends in school. Although we are still friends, I have lost the ability to be as close to them as I was back then. Living away for so long, and then the changes that inevitably happen, have all contributed to making the memory of that closeness, all the more precious.

I miss my roomies. I definitely, definitely miss them more than most others I have known. From doorway conversations, to Pizza Corner and our preferred orders. From coffee at bed time to long, seemingly pointless conversations. From Road No. 10 to MT. I think about late night walks in the rain and wonder 'what the HELL were we thinking' and then I realize the beauty of it was - we weren't... not really. Little things like that. I <3 you K & N.

I miss my temporary roomies too.. the ones I spent 3 months with, apart from the ones I spent 3 years with. and what an unforgettable 3 months it was. People at the Big G, compatriots at -1, secret balcony events, dinner buddies - how do I think of them all?

TenD: after 3 and a 1/2 years, how could I not miss TenD. A love affair that started with 'I never' and a road trip, was nurtured by the real 10D and Firangi, and lived at one extremely large table in the cafeteria. We lived through make-ups and break-ups, being set up and then setting up, surprise parties and nasty shocks too. Its amazing the bonds you forge in one night of complete madness.

I miss my fiance` too sometimes. Not the person he is now, because obviously, I have him and I also get to keep him :P ; but I miss how he could be when we first started dating. The days when everything was shiny and new, and the future was still a big uncertain cloud.

And while I miss allll these people and wish for snatches of what used to be, I sit back, smile smugly to myself at my good fortune to have had them in my life, and then grin at the fact that I still have them. :D


The Shenaniganner said...

Awww :)

Niamh said...

I swear I am turning into such a sap, not sure if it's because of December plans or if I am just like that.
I even entertained the idea of a Scrapbook. Seriously.

a said...

Borderless Access :) Anytime, anyplace.

I can see wedding prep is bringing out the E.M.O in you?

Love u muchly kimzuaah!

Niamh said...

Fully EMO only. All the emotion-ness is making me such a girly girl, sibling spends ages laughing at me. :P

scar said...

u got me all nostalgic early in the morning kimzees!!!!!!! lots of coffee! as if u wouldnt know better!;)

Niamh said...

Feeling is being felt only :P
so in another few months, will you be changing your comments monicker to "spet"? (yes i had to ask - he coffee made me do it)

Zaid said...

Hmm well I feel the same too :)

And I miss those Coffee Breaks which we used to take once in like 3 months and catch up :)

And then I started missing those coffee breaks in Google while u were there cause u freaking quit :P

Niamh said...

LOL... quitting, yes :)
but catching up at least still happens now and then no?
except now its just moved online...

Envie said...

:) Funny how that works eh? Here today, gone tomorrow - but not completely, it's still there, reliving itself in your head. Definitely miss the crazy days.