Monday, October 19, 2009

Hi, my name is Monday.

Hi there, I am Monday.
I have to post this remotely as I am probably more hated than former President Bush. The owner of this blog had "Meh rhymes with Monday" as her status on Facebook a few weeks ago and the number of 'likes' and comments in agreement convinced me to speak out. You guys should actually feel sorry for me you know. Sad, even. I mean really, I am hated simply for existing, for BEING. I did not choose to be the day you had to drag your lazy behinds out of bed, sans the snooze button and head off to the torture offices.
Some days have it easy... like Friday for instance. You have this whole TGIFriday's thingy going on. Like WTH man. Saturdays have it even better... I don't see a Monday Night Fever on now, do you? (I don't WANT to be the worst day of the week. I also do not particularly appreciate the 'Black' prefix or the 'blues' suffix.) And don't even get me started on Sundays. Hmph.
You see, this is the theory you should be taking a look at - Tuesdays are the worst days in the Week. Mondays at least have the memories of a happy weekend, Tuesdays have NOTHING, Wednesdays let you know that you are at least half-way through, Thursdays you can take relief in the fact that the next day is Friday and Friday is...well... Friday. So give me a chance yeah?
"Some days are made horrible and some days have horrible-ness thrust upon them" With that bastardization of someone else's oft stolen quote, I leave you to your hopeful hatred of the next day in the week. Hopefully the smug smile will be wiped off his face this year when we are at the Calendar printer's.


Zaid said...

Monday should probably start off late maybe... Like we can come to wrk like around 11:30 and go home by 5..... Then maybe tuesday will be the most hated one :P

Envie said...

Stealer strikes again ! :D

And Tuesdays have no identity.

Niamh said...

I didn't steal anything for this post !?!?!?

Berks - Barkha Malpani said...

I am feeling bad about hating Mondays after reading this post but the fact is I don't really hate the day. But i just hate Monday coz its Monday Lol.Oh ok I know I'am contradicting myself but blv me it's just an excuse to crib like any other day of the week. In fact I feel its d most productive day at least in my case.So I love Mondays and also hate mondays 50-50:)

Too much too little said...

Poor Monday :( I've always felt bad for it. Poor thing must have the world's worst inferiority complex. I agree, Tuesdays are def the worst- but think about it this way, nobody gives a shit abt Tue, so he/she must feel really left out!