Monday, February 13, 2012

Anti-Valentine's Post

Do you celebrate Valentine's day?


When I think of romance, the last thing that comes to mind is a chubby toddler chasing after me with a potentially lethal weapon!

This looks more like my kinda cupid... coz let's face it, a drunk dwarf in diapers, would explain SO MUCH!!! :P


Dez said...

This is the $*** :D
Moved on to mind-reading these days huh?
Also, you should check this out, in keeping with the spirit of your post

J said...

stupid cupid stop pickin on me!

btw... nuff said...

Niamh said...

Dez - rotfl at the link - I'm pretty sure he's my favorite character - after Pascal, whom I've renamed Steve though (pronounced Thteve - Steve pronounced with a lisp :P )

Niamh said...

J - awwww... Thanksies :)