Thursday, April 1, 2010

Opinions needed...

For the first time I am asking questions in this post that are not rhetorical. I want answers and I would love if you could send them to me, either as a comment here or by email if you don't want them to be public.
I started to write this story I had floating in my head and then sort of abandoned it 3 paragraphs in, because I didn't like the characters. Not one little bit. Even though I was the one who thought of them. And then I felt indifferent about them. I couldn't care less if they jumped off a cliff I hadn't written about, or killed themselves by hanging, from the barn I hadn't pictured until that thought struck me.
So what I would like is for you to give me a character you want written about. This is solely for my own amusement though. If you could give me a name and a vague profession, or maybe a characteristic that you think someone like that should have. Like a Mr. Larabee who is a kindergarten principal. Maybe he has a twitch or a nervous tic because he truly believes that Calvin (a la Hobbes' Calvin) will be enrolled next year.
Something... Anything.
I just want to write about something again, because my past few posts have been about nothing but annoyance, anger and all out rage. I worry for my mental health and blood pressure, unless I revert to my favorite form of therapy.
Thank you much.


Zaid said...

Ummmmmm..... How bout a guy who has come from a small town into a big city and when he enters a corporate comes to know waht exactly the equation is to be successful in career. He cannot be smart like the cuty folk nor can he lick ass. He knows only one thing and thats to give straight answers. Also on the personal front this guy is a genuine guy who thinks of nothing else but to keep others smiling and is misinterpreted to bein a lecherer and a Mr.One night stand :) Hope this helps...

balkachose said...

How about the story of a guy whos so awesome that all bow down before his awesomeness? Ok thats about me and i'll prob end up suing you if you sue it.

Hmmm.. how about the story of a guy who is about to commit suicide but doesnt. just because.

Niamh said...

Yes Kurush, I could do that, but I don't want to write a story on homicide - which is how that particular character is bound to meet his end.

balkachose said...

Well how about the story of a pentecostal priest who raises 4 sons in under the strictest of guideline, but when they grow up they rebel, form a band and sing all about the sins and vices they father preached against?

Sound familiar?

balkachose said...

or the story of george who has such a ridiculous name that he grows up alone and isolated and hence becomes the worlds most unscary sounding villain: George the ripper?

Anonymous said...

rich girl trying to find her way around life. can't think of anything else, sorry. if i could, i'd might have written a story myself :P

will read whatever you write, darling. look forward to seeing the story! :)


Envie said...

Character suggestion: this girl who can't stop eating? :P

The Shenaniganner said...

How about Stella who has an irrational fear of pavements because she thinks a car hit her while she was walking and it's how she died in her last life.